Repeat Prints
I have always dabbled in fashion. And sewing is something that makes me feel, fuzzy and really good.
My grandmother was seamstress, and although I am no where near as wonderful at it as she was, I do quite like to jump on the machine very now and then and whip something up.
But alas I am always frustrated at the lack of prints that I like when it comes to fabric stores. So I developed a few of my own.
If you are interested in licensing anything here, feel free to drop me a message :)
70's Love
How cool is this hero print!
I love the ochre, browns and yellows in this piece, and how is the zig zag stripe as and accompaniment? Super funky if I do say so myself!
Geisha have always fascinated me.
The black reds and greys are striking. The angular elements in the fan contrast nicely with the rounded masked faces.
Little Corella
I love Corellas.
The clowns of the sky, always swinging from powerlines, chewing peoples houses and just running amuck in general. These fun little characters have been brought to life in this repeat print along with eucalyptus blues and greens.
Love Loyalty Betrayl
Glass hearts shattered into pieces, this is a broken heart.
The variation of pinks show the angular glass on a striking black background.
Superb Wren
Another of my favourites when it comes to Australian birds. The Superb Fairy Wren.
This little guy jumps around all day, trying his hardest to impress the ladies, (who by the way are no where near as colourful as he is) dancing precariously amongst the barbs on the barbed wire fence.
Such and agile little fellow.